A Strange Country

7. A Strange Country

One of Nasreddin’s neighbors was a merchant. He traded to many foreign countries. He was considered the smartest man in the neighborhood because of his experience. When he went home from his journey, he always had some new stories his neighbors had never heard before.
One day, he told his neighbors a new story. “You know, I have just visited a new country that I have never imagined before. It’s really a strange country.”
“What’s so strange?” asked one of them. Nasreddin was sitting beside the man who just asked the question.
“The country was very rich. The people we bright skinned and quite smart.”, explained the merchant.
“All right. And what’s so strange?”, asked the other person impatiently.
“There the weather was very hot so that nobody wore any clothes.”
Quickly Nasreddin asked, “So, if they wore no clothes, how did you differentiate between the men and the women?”

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