بسم الله ارحمن ارحيم
From Abu Daud Hurairah r.a, it is narrated that Rasulullah salallahu'alaihi wasalam said, "There is one letter of Koran which consists of 30 verses. That letter will be intercession for the readers so that their sins will be forgiven by Allah, that is Al-Mulk."
I have personal experience of the privilege of Qur'an Surah Al-Mulk. As Muslim women, that is believe on the truth of Islam as the religion of rahmatanlil'alamiin, I believe that all prayers must be fulfilled. Therefore, we have to be aware of the prayer itself that we have to pray for good things.
Related to Qur'an surah Al-Mulk and sunnah from prophet Muhammad salallhu'alaihiwasalam that is purified through ablution before sleeping. Besides, laying the mattress by saying ta'awudz 'a'udzubillahiminassyaitonirrajiim'. Then, I read some short surah in Qur'an; QS. Al-Mulk, QS. Al-Falaq, QS. Al-Ikhlas, and QS. Annas, then recite a pray before sleep 'Bismika Allahumma'ahya wa amuut' and later rubbed on all bodies and sleep. I don't forget to switch off the lamp. I also pray with my own language to meet my beloved father in my dream because I do really miss him.
At that time, I also try to fast daud, that is one day fast, one don't. It is because I believe that through fasting my prayer will be fulfilled. Besides, every time after salah I bring my prayer to meet my father. I started this activity from 25 November, that is my father's born date till 21 December, that is my born date. Set on 21 December night, I thought to finish my fasting Daud and pray for my dream. Finally, I didn't get anything of my prayer, that is to meet my father through a dream. I try to be calm and stay positive about why Allah didn't answer my prayer. I said to myself to let this.
I thankful too, exactly on 21 December 2013, I got special surprise from one of my campus friend. He gave me square veil with label 'made in Turkey. I was not aware of that label at that time. I am aware of that label after many times I wear that veil. Besides, I don't know about Turkey. Finally, I just say thankful for that day and thank to my friend for the gift she gave to me. It's simple gift but full meaning and I love it.
Two days later, I treat my friends as thankful of my day and wearing my veil given my friend. I aimed to show my thanks and make her happy.
At that time, the morning lecture started. After that, there is spare time that can be used to go home and buy some foods, pecel that is kind of Javanese food which contain vegetable, gendar (made from rice), and sambal made from nut. I bought it near my house. I thought that it was delicious and I wanted to share it with my friends in order that friends could feel that.
I was with my friend biking my motor. My friend drove and I sat behind her. After buying pecel, I and my friend came back to campus with some packs of pecel. In the middle of my journey, we got an accident. I fell down and my friend still drove my motor. She didn't aware that I had fell down on the street. I was still unconscious, I just heard my friend said istigfar ' astagfirullah' many times. Finally, I fell asleep.
I was dreaming. I met my beloved father with the face is so big different from photo I have. He was wearing ikhram clothe, the clothe which is wore when haj.
I woke up and be aware that I was in hospital because of an accident. I still remembered when I woke up, I was surrounded by family, friends, and lecturers. I remembered that I had a question when I woke up from my sleep. "Where I am?" and there is no one answered, "What day is it today?" and my friend answered, "Thursday", "Am I fasting?" and there is no one answered. Then, I asked to pray by saying "I wanted to pray." . One of my friend helped me to take wudlu and pray.
I told my friend about my dream and she noted as 'Day Dream', then I fell asleep because too much story I gave. I thankful because I didn't get serious wound.
That's my personal experience in 2013 that could be said a blessing behind the disaster. I thought it was awesome because finally, Allah answered my prayer in His own way.
Written by Laela Mahmudah, S.S.